Real Estate Flower Mound, Highland Village and Denton

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

To get pre-approved for home purchase contact Lisa Hitch

Buying a home in Argyle, Corinth, Denton, Highland Village, TX:


Homeownership still a primary goal for families


A survey of U.S. adults in September found that many people continue to be very conservative about how they spend money. However, about 17 percent say they expect to have more money to move to a different home. That percentage is virtually unchanged since last year. Those who expect to buy a new house or condo are up from 7 percent in May to 10 percent in September. The survey was conducted by Harris Interactive.



Contact LISA HITCH to get pre-approved.


Sr. Mortgage Banker


3541 Teasley Lane Suite 200

Denton, TX 76210

940-484-5626  Office

940-390-7723 Cell

940-484-0072 Fax


Leeza Morris, REALTOR®, MBA, GREEN, e-PRO®, SFR
Broker Associate, Keller Williams Realty
Cutting edge paperless & mobile real estate solutions for you
cel/txt. 940 391-5080
fax: 940 382-2773
skype: leezam22
 2434 Lillian Miller Parkway
Denton, TX 76205

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