and selling do not scare Corinth, TX homeowners. Sellers put their
homes on the maket at the same if not faster pace as year or two
before. Novermber and December being historically the slowest months
in real estate market, do show normal ups and downs. With less homes
to chose from - motivated buyers, such as out of state relocation, or
sellers who got their homes under contract and must find a new one are
significantly more pressed to put an offer. While the deals are easier
to find this time of the year, sellers who think they might get more
for their home early in the year might be in for a (negative)
surprise. Foreclosure delays are expected to add more inventory on the
market affecting some areas more than others.
*Leeza Morris*, REALTOR®, MBA, GREEN, e-PRO®, SFR
Keller Williams Realty
*Cutting edge paperless* & *mobile* real estate solutions for you
cel/txt. 940 391-5080
fax: 940 382-2773
skype: leezam22
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Denton, TX 76205 <>
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